Save Wantage Road AONB

The North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty is under threat from development

Campaign update

Our Campaign

Wantage Road development


  • It would cause light pollution in a unspoilt, rural Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
  • It would increase the number of traffic movements along the road, creating a danger to motorists. This has already been flagged by West Berkshire Council’s Highways Department
  • It would set a precedent for further development in the area in the future

What we’re doing

John Duffield
John Duffield, owner of Marcham Farms

What you can do

  • Write to West Berkshire Council objecting to the plan
  • Contact the Downlands Ward councillor Clive Hooker
  • Write to our local MP, Laura Farris
  • Join our Facebook page
  • Join our Facebook group
  • Sign our petition here
  • Get in touch and join the campaign
  • Like and share our posts

Get In Touch

Our details



07543 195476


Marcham Farms Limited, Chieveley

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